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Copper on The Creek: Reclaiming an Industrial History
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By Paul Parkhill and Katherine Gray
Illustrations by Monte Antrim
Photography by Anthony Hamboussi

The culmination of a 3-year, multi-faceted public history and public art project, the book explores 54 sites in NYC's most dynamic and misconstrued neighborhood. 72 full color pages, including original photographic work by Anthony Hamboussi and illustrations by Monte Antrim.

Published in November 2005 by Furnace Press.

LIC in Context: An Unorthodox Guide to Long Island City
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In November 2000, Place in History published Copper on the Creek, a history of the Phelps Dodge copper refinery. Closed for years, the refinery was located on Newtown Creek in West Maspeth, Queens, until its recent dismantling.

Copper on the Creek provides an interdisciplinary glimpse into the history of the refinery, and examines plans for redeveloping the site. It also addresses a variety of other topics, including the economic, political, and environmental impact of industrialization and subsequent deindustrialization on America's urban areas. Geared to a general audience, it also contains information useful to community representatives concerned about the disposition of the site.

This richly illustrated 40-page booklet is the fruit of a year-long collaboration between Place in History and Laurel Hill Works. Laurel Hill Works was founded by Curtis Cravens, a Brooklyn-based photographer who has performed extensive research on the site over the course of the last five years.

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